Who Are Quants?

In the “The Quants” book, Scott Patterson described the Quants who searching for the truth. The truth being the universal underlying hidden dynamics in the market. Quants build computational models of the world, specifically that could be about financial instruments or markets. Quants applied scientific method to finance.

Quants work across entire financial industry. Quants work in hedge funds, commercial banks, proprietary trading firm, asset management firms, data vendor firms and also work cross functions.
Quants can work as research function or who are looking for predicting signals and data that can be used in portfolio management or for prediction the risk of particular portfolio. You may find quants work in portfolio construction combining the signals and models produced by other quants. You also can find quants who works in data vendors that preparing the unstructured data and selling it to other financial firms.
The typical job of a quant is to create a model. It could be a model of financial time series; it could be a model of portfolio or a form of a risk or it could be a model to reduce a form of unstructured data to structured form for further use in investment process.
The quants world is always changing by new form of datasets, new models, new computational techniques and a quant always needs to learn new things in order to be able to stay in the game.

If it seems interesting to you, you can purse advance degree in Financial Engineering or Computational Finance degree and become a quant.

There are many skill sets a quant requires to achieve in order to be successful in the industry. Knowledge of computer science and programming in particular, deep knowledge of financial markets and financial instruments along with the strong statistics and mathematical skills and also knowledge of data science and machine learning, etc.…
A quant requires always keep leaning and be creative to build a new competitive model.
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